Spicy Gluons (胶麻) 2024: Workshop for Young Scientists on the quark-gluon matter in extreme conditions


The 1st edition of Spicy Gluons (胶麻) Workshop for Young Scientists on the quark-gluon matter in extreme conditions will be held May 16-18, 2024 in Zipeng Mountain, Hefei, China. Spicy food is known to stimulate the senses and taste. The love of the spiciness also symbolizes the fiery passion of the youth. Likewise, the goal of the Spicy Gluon workshop is to stimulate the sense and taste of early career scientists in the field by cooking, presenting and tasting flavored works with fiery passion. The lovers of Spicy Gluon are highly encouraged to submit your recipe (aka. abstract) and pre-register. If the abstract is accepted, you will be invited to join the workshop. The workshop will guarantee every accepted abstract to be an oral presentation and cover the local expenses (hotel + food). The workshop emphasizes discussion, collaboration, and innovation. All the participants are expected to stay for the whole workshop and actively contribute to the discussion session.


The workshop is dedicated to young scientists, only students and young postdoc/faculty within 5 years of Ph.D. are considered.


The topics of the workshop contain but are not limited to:


QCD相变与状态方程(QCD phase transition and equation of state)
重味与奇异粒子(heavy flavor and strangeness)
自旋极化和手征效应(spin polarization and chiral effect)
喷注物理(jet physics)
核子结构(nucleon structure)
电磁信号(electromagnetic signal)
UPC物理(UPC physics)
EIC/EicC物理(EIC/EicC physics)
集体流和关联(collective flow and correlation)
新的理论方法(new theoretical methods)
核物理中的机器学习(Machine learning in nuclear physics)
量子计算(Quantum Computing)
核天体物理 (Nuclear Astrophysics)

The workshop will be 3 full days May 16-18, 2024


Abstract submission is included in the registration form


会议费用(Conference fee):
The registration fee is 500 yuan per person, inclusive of accommodation, meals, and refreshments. Transportation costs are not included and are the responsibility of the participants.


LOC Contact Information(会务组联系方式)