Higgs Potential 2024


Higgs Potential 2024研讨会由中国科学技术大学主办,地点为中国科大东校区,时间为2024年12月19日-23日,其中19日安排报到注册,20日-22日安排会议内容,23日离开。注册和收集报告截止到X月X日。


After the discovery of the Higgs boson, the accurate measurements of its properties, an in-depth understanding of the electroweak symmetry breaking, and the searches for new physics beyond the standard model are the focus of the LHC and future collider experiments. The purpose of this meeting is to deeply understand the mechanism of electroweak symmetry breaking, including accurately measuring the properties of the Higgs boson, searching for the double Higgs production, measuring the Higgs self-coupling and looking for new physics beyond the standard model. The workshop will invite physicists from both theory and experiments to discuss the frontier of the Higgs physics, and promote the collaboration of physicists from both theory and experiments in this the field.


地方组委会: 李英英、刘衍文、鲁楠、吴雨生、徐来林、杨洪洮

Local Organizers: Yingying Li, Yanwen Liu, Nan Lu, Yusheng Wu, Lailin Xu, Hongtao Yang

学术组委会: 边立功、曹庆宏、陈明水、陈新、方亚泉、顾嘉荫、蒋赟、康召丰、李强、刘坤、刘衍文、马连良、冒亚军、Michael Ramsey-Musolf、舒菁、孙小虎、肖朦、于江浩、袁丽、张昊、张雷、周辰

Academic Committee: Ligong Bian, Qinghong Cao, Mingshui Chen, Xin Chen, Yaquan Fang, Jiayin Gu, Yun Jiang, Zhaofeng Kang, Qiang Li, Kun Liu, Yanwen Liu, Lianliang Ma, Yajun Mao, Michael Ramsey-Musolf, Jing Shu, Xiaohu Sun, Meng Xiao, Jianghao Yu, Li Yuan, Hao Zhang, Lei Zhang, Chen Zhou;

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