Nov 8 – 13, 2024
Hefei Crowne Plaza
Asia/Shanghai timezone

Effect of Coriolis force on the shear viscosity of quark matter: A nonrelativistic description

Nov 11, 2024, 4:25 PM
Birch Room (白桦厅), 3F (Hefei Crowne Plaza)

Birch Room (白桦厅), 3F

Hefei Crowne Plaza

3rd Floor, Crowne Plaza 皇冠假日酒店三楼白桦厅
Contributed Parallel session B


Cho Win Aung (Indian Institute of Technology Bhilai)


Shear viscosity becomes anisotropic in a rotating medium. It is discovered here that for rotating thermalized quantum systems such as those created in relativistic heavy-ion collisions, the coefficient of shear viscosity breaks up into five independent components. Similar phenomena were also discovered for quark-gluon plasma in the presence of the magnetic field. Like the Lorentz force at a finite magnetic field, the Coriolis force also creates anisotropic viscosity at nonzero rotation. As a first approach, for simplicity, the calculations are done in the nonrelativistic prescription, with a future proposal to extend it toward a relativistic description. Introducing the Coriolis force term in relaxation time approximated Boltzmann transport equation, we have found different effective relaxation times along the parallel, perpendicular, and Hall directions in terms of actual relaxation time and rotating time period. Comparing the present formalism with the finite magnetic field picture, we have shown the equivalence of roles between the rotating and cyclotron time periods, where the rotating time period is inverse of twice the angular velocity.

DOI: 10.1103/PhysRevC.109.034913

Primary author

Cho Win Aung (Indian Institute of Technology Bhilai)


Mr Ashutosh Dwibedi (Indian Institute of Technology Bhilai) Dr Jayanta Dey (Indian Institute of Technology Indore) Prof. Sabyasachi Ghosh (Indian Institute of Technology Bhilai)

Presentation materials