Jan 14 – 18, 2024
Asia/Shanghai timezone

Publication of the Proceeding

Two options for Special Issue paper publication of the presentations given in FTCF2024 are offered:

1)  IJMPA –For physics and detector (https://www.worldscientific.com/worldscinet/ijmpa)

MPLA – For accelerator and software & computing 


Both journals are founded together in 1986 and have been managed by a common Editorial Board. They have been indexed in various key indexing databases, including SCI, Scopus, InspireHEP, NASA/ADS, etc.

Manuscripts are expected to be typeset in LaTeX style of IJMPA and MPLA.

(For authors who are unfamiliar with LaTeX, their manuscripts can be submitted in any editable format, e.g. MS Word. The journals will do the conversion.)

Suggested lengths:  14 pages (Plenary), 8 pages (Parallel).

(our page is in a single column format and 20% smaller than A4 size)

Manuscript submission due date: 30 May 2024. =>extended to 30 June 2024

Manuscripts can be submitted directly to the submission platforms of IJMPA and MPLA.

Guideline of the submission :

  1. After logging onto the submission platform, go to:

New Submissions > Submit New Manuscript > Select Article Type "Special Issue: FTCF 2024", and proceed with your manuscript submission. 

2. Files required for submission: (i) A PDF file of the manuscript; (ii) A zip file containing the Source files (tex, cls, sty, bib, docx, figures, etc.).

3. Queries related to your proceedings submission can be forwarded to the Journal Office: ijmpa@wspc.com or mpla@wspc.com.