Wen-Chen Chang
(Institute of Physics, Academia Sinica)
The nucleon spin structure has been understood by nucleon TMDs and GPDs. Conventionally, TMDs and GPDs are obtained from, for example, the SIDIS and DVCS processes utilizing lepton beams. A complementary approach is the measurement of (un)polarized Drell-Yan processes with hadron beams. The universality properties of nucleon TMDs and GPDs determined in space-like and time-like experimental approaches could be checked.
In this talk, we will discuss the recent results of nucleon Sivers, transversality, and Boer-Mulders TSAs measured by the COMPASS experiment, and sketch the plan for measuring nucleon GPDs by the exclusive pion-induced Drell-Yan process at J-PARC.
Primary author
Wen-Chen Chang
(Institute of Physics, Academia Sinica)