19–22 Oct 2023
Asia/Shanghai timezone

Probing the dark photon in collinear dark matter splitting

Not scheduled
1h 30m




Jinmian Li (Sichuan University)


The dark shower is a common phenomenon for particles in the dark sector which take part in strong interactions and are boosted. We first discuss the detection prospect of accelerated DM through cosmic ray upscattering at the XENON1T and Super-K experiments. We emphasize that the radiated dark photon from the boosted DM can possibly be probed at the DUNE and JUNO experiments. In the second part, we discuss the indirect detection of two-component secluded DM models. Considering the dark shower effects, the models can induce remarkable signals at the AMS-02 and Fermi-LAT experiments.

Primary authors

Jinmian Li (Sichuan University) Dr 俊乐 裴 (中国科学院高能物理研究所) Dr 聪 张 (波恩大学)

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