19–23 Dec 2024
Asia/Shanghai timezone

Improved constraints on Higgs self-couplings by including higher power dependence

Not scheduled


健 王 (山东大学)


The precise determination of the Higgs boson self-couplings is essential for understanding the mechanism behind electroweak symmetry breaking. However, due to the limited number of Higgs boson pair events at the LHC, only loose constraints have been established so far.
Current constraints are based on the assumption that the cross section is a quadratic function of the trilinear Higgs self-coupling within the $\kappa$ framework. Incorporating higher-order quantum corrections from virtual Higgs bosons would significantly alter this function form, introducing new quartic and cubic power dependencies on the trilinear Higgs self-coupling.
To derive this new function form, we propose a specialized renormalization procedure that tracks all Higgs self-couplings at each calculation step.
Additionally, we introduce renormalization constants for the coupling modifiers within the $\kappa$ framework to ensure the cancellation of all ultraviolet divergences.
With the new function forms of the cross sections in both the gluon-gluon fusion and vector boson fusion channels,
the upper limit of $\kappa_{\lambda_{\rm 3H}}=\lambda_{\rm 3H}/\lambda_{\rm 3H}^{\rm SM}$ by the ATLAS (CMS) collaboration is reduced from 6.6 (6.49) to 5.4 (5.37).
However, extracting a meaningful constraint on the quartic Higgs self-coupling $\lambda_{\rm 4H}$ from Higgs boson pair production data remains challenging.
We also present the invariant mass distributions of the Higgs boson pair at different values of $\kappa_{\lambda}$, which could aid in setting optimal cuts for experimental analysis.

Primary author

健 王 (山东大学)

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