Three-generational SM quark/lepton masses are known to be hierarchical, and the latest LHC measurements of the SM Higgs boson Yukawa couplings match well with the SM prediction. We propose a unified SU(8) framework, which can non-trivially and minimally embed three-generational SM fermions. There is only one unique SM Higgs doublet according to the origin of the non-anomalous B-L symmetry. Accordingly, we construct two types of d=5 operators with this SM Higgs doublet through the inevitable gravitational effect that breaks the emergent global symmeries of the theory. A hierarchical quark/lepton mass pattern and the CKM mixing pattern can be reproduced in this framework with the precise flavor identifications. Three gauge couplings can achieve the unification with the supersymmetric extension to the level=1 su(8) affine Lie algebra.