Publication of the Proceeding

The paper publication of the presentations given in FTCF2024-Guangzhou to the  Journal of University of Science and Technology of China (JUSTC) are offered. Detailed information about the journal can be found in 

The JUSTC has been indexed in Scopus indexing databases.

Manuscripts are expected to be typeset in LaTeX style or Word type, with the format referring to 

Suggested lengths: 8 pages (Plenary), 6 pages (Parallel).

Manuscript submission due date: TBD

Queries related to the submission can be forward to the Journal Office :

Author Guidelines for JUSTC

JUSTC is an open access journal. All articles published by JUSTC are distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 International License ( And no publication fee is charged from authors. By submitting to JUSTC, you agree and will sign the Copyright Transfer Statement before the article is published. To verify originality, your article will be checked by the originality detection service, and SMSI(single match similarity index)>10 % is unacceptable.