The International Workshop on Future Tau Charm Facilities, referred to as FTCF2024-Guangzhou, will be hosted by Sun Yat-sen University (SYSU), in Guangzhou, China, in Nov. 17 - 21, 2024. The workshop is the 6th edition in the series of the joint workshops on future tau charm facilities that was first held in Orsay (2018), and then in Moscow (2019), Hefei (2020, online), Novosibirsk (2021, online), and Hefei (2024). It's worth mentioning that there have been International Wrokshops focusing on the discussion of Super tau-Charm Facility projects in China and Russia, respectively, which were held in Hefei (2015), Beijing (2018) and Novosibirsk (2018).

      In the field of particle physics research, the tau-charm energy region has unique properties, rich frontier physics topics, and great potential for scientific discoveries.  The next generation of tau-charm facility projects have been proposed and extensively discussed. With two orders of magnitude higher in luminosity than the currently operating Beijing electron-positron collider (BEPCII), and twice the energy range, the facility will provide a key platform for deepening the study of the internal structure of hadrons, searching for exotic states, and understanding the nature of non-perturbative strong interactions, exploring the asymmetry of matter-antimatter in the universe (CP violation),  and probing new physics beyond the standard model. The construction of the accelerator and the detector of the facilities will challenge many of the world's cutting-edge key technologies. The workshop will be dedicated to discuss the highlights of physics in tau-charm energy region, and the key technologies in accelerator and detector. 

 The main topics of the workshop include:

  • Hadron spectrum and hadron structure
  • Flavor physics and CP violation
  • Detector design and R&D for future tau-charm facilities
  • Accelerator techniques for future facilities
  • Software and computing for future facilities


Practical information

1. Venue Location

  • Pearl River Hotel 
  • SYSU Campus, Guangzhou, China

Shuttle buses will be arranged between the Hotels and Campus


2. TimeNov. 17 – Nov. 21, 2024

  • Nov. 17 is for registration
  • Nov. 18-21 is for the talks 


3. Registration Location: Hotels and Venue Location


4. Registration Fee: 2500 CNY for each participant

  • For the Foreign participants, the Visa and Mastercard is not available for the registration. Please pay the fee with Chinese cash (CNY) onsite
  • For the Chinese participants, please use the Wechat or Alipay to pay the fee


5. Invitation Letter and Invoice:

If you need the Invitation Letter or Invoice, please contact:


6. Accommodation(Accommodation fee is not included in the registration fee)

RAMADA Hotel (凯旋华美达)

Pearl River Hotel (珠江宾馆)


7. Meals and Banquet

The meals and banquet will be arranged by organization committee during the workshop.

(The arrangement will be announced in the subsequent notifications


8. Accompanying persons

  • The accompanying persons do not need to pay for the registration fee. 
  • Meals for the accompanying persons need to be paid onsite (Chinese cash for foreign participants)

The cost will be determined according to practical consumption (50 CNY for each breakfast, less than 200 CNY for each lunch or dinner) 


Registration for this event is currently open.