The latest measurements of Time-dependent CPV at LHCb

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物质科研楼A608 (USTC)





Peilian Li (CERN)


CP violation in the decays of neutral B mesons can be attributed to the interference between decay amplitudes with and without mixing, resulting in a measurable CP-violating phase, β(s). Precise measurements of the mixing phases of neutral B mesons are of paramount importance in validating the CP violation paradigm within the Standard Model and exploring potential new physics beyond it. Tree-level $b\to c\bar{c}q$ transitions offer golden modes for these measurements, allowing for clean and precise determinations. Additionally, measuring mixing phases in modes influenced by penguin diagrams provides a means to probe new physics contributions in loop processes. In this presentation, I will introduce the latest time-dependent measurements of $B^0$ and $B_s^0$ mixing phases conducted at LHCb, showcasing the most precise results to date. These results significantly advance our understanding of CP violation and pave the way for potential discoveries of new physics phenomena.

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